Child-resistant doesn’t mean child-proof. Secure your prescription and over-the-counter medications, including medical cannabis, out-of-reach from young children as well as teens. Child-resistant packaging helps but is no guarantee of safety.
- Properly dispose of expired and unused medications
- Use special care with medications that look like candy
- Call your local Police Department for safe, confidential drop-off bins
In Ventura County in 2016, 9% of 9th graders and 16% of 11th graders said they used Rx painkillers, tranquilizers or sedatives to get “high.”
Most teenagers who abuse prescription drugs are given them for free by a friend or relative.
Don’t make it easy. Lock up your meds.
- Keep track of pill quantities
- Properly dispose of unused medications
- Block access to online pharmacies and drug sources
- Participate in county prescription drug take-back days
- Learn the facts on Rx drug abuse
- Talk about it
How Are Prescription Drugs Abused?
- Taking medication that has been prescribed for somebody else.
- Taking a drug in a way other than prescribed.
- Taking a medication to get high.
How can you keep your home safe?
Start with creating a routine for keeping your family medications secure and safe from children.
- Get involved in your community Prescription Drug Take-Back Days.
- Use the Ventura County’s Prescription Drug Disposal Program
- Consider buying a home Medicine Lock Box to secure your medications. Using a medicine lock box or locking cap can help keep your medication secure.