Community Coalitions Encouraged by Decrease in US Overdose Death Rate
Data published in September 2024 by the US Centers forDisease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirms a trend, already reported anecdotally by emergency department staff across the country, that deaths from drug overdose are falling fast, for the first time since the US opioid epidemic began a generation ago.
More than 107,000 people died of a drug overdose in 2023, down from roughly 111,000 in 2022. Synthetic opioids, mainly fentanyl, were involved in nearly 70% of the deaths – approximately 75,000 people – in 2023, which was a slight drop from 2022.
Learn more:
Opioid crisis: Fall in US overdose deaths leaves experts scrambling for an explanation | The BMJ
Facing Down Fentanyl Town Hall

On Wednesday, March 27th, COAST Ventura County hosted the second Facing Down Fentanyl Town Hall at Pacifica High School in Oxnard.
Our moderator for the evening, Gabe Teran, MS, of Next Gen Community Consulting, led a Q&A discussion with a robust group of panelists that covered numerous disciplines and included Ray Gonzales in education, Dawn Anderson, RN in healthcare, Jaime Villa for first responders, Ruben Ortiz for treatment, and James Ramos for lived experience.
The centerpiece of the 90-minute town hall was the question-and-answer period that had attendees asking questions around the availability of naloxone, what’s being taught in our schools and the prevalence of fentanyl in our community.
There were subject matter experts available to answer questions in addition to the panelists, represented by Law Enforcement, the Medical Examiner, the District Attorney and leadership of the county Behavioral Health Department.
The conversation provided information about talking to your children about drugs, resources available to the community, and how to receive help if you or a loved one is experiencing substance use disorder. Additionally, three local mothers shared their stories of loss in an impactful and motivating video. There were resource tables at the event so that attendees could get one-on-one information from experts in their fields.
COAST Ventura County, the alliance of county partner agencies, remains committed in this effort to keep county residents informed and safe from the dangers of fentanyl.
COAST Newsletter - Issue 13

The bi-monthly COAST Newsletter provides up-to-date information for county agencies and community partners on all activities of COAST. To access the most current issue, as well as back issues of the COAST Newsletter, follow this link: COAST Newsletter →
Forum: Facing Down Fentanyl
Ventura County is viewed statewide and nationally as an innovative leader in prevention work. So while the serious issue of the Fentanyl crisis has touched us here in our community, we are probably better positioned than many in dealing with it.
On September 27, 2023, our County CEO, Dr. Sevet Johnson, Ventura County Behavioral Health Interim Director, Dr. Loretta Denering, and County Supervisors Matt LeVere and Jeff Gorell, welcomed attendees to learn more about the fentanyl crisis in our county and what we are doing about it.
See the video of the forum:
Audience Questions and Answers:
Q: Doctors – All – So many people moved from heroin to fentanyl in recent years. Do you worry that there is something worse coming after Fentanyl? What’s next?
Fentanyl mixed with Xylazine is an emerging threat in the United States. Xylazine is an animal tranquilizer that is increasingly being found in the US illicit drug supply and linked to overdose deaths. We have seen only a handful of these cases in Ventura County to date.
Q: For D.A. – What can parents do and what can you do to change how easy it is for kids to use social media? Why can’t Snapchat be prosecuted or stopped?
It’s very important for parents to talk to their children on a regular basis about the dangers of drugs and the immediate threat in buying illegal drugs like fentanyl online. The United States Justice Department (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) announced earlier this year that they were investigating Snapchat over the possible use of their platform for drug sales, specifically targeting fentanyl-related instances. Snapchat has said it’s made operational improvements to detect and remove drug dealers from the platform and works closely with law enforcement and other groups in raising awareness of drug issues, fentanyl and counterfeit drugs. They say they have blocked search results for drug-related terms, redirecting Snapchatters to resources from experts about the dangers of fentanyl. People are still able to purchase these drugs online because drug dealers are creative in how they ‘outreach’ to users, including the use of emojis.
Q: What does Fentanyl look like? What are different types of use?
Powdered fentanyl looks just like many other drugs. They are available in different forms, including pills, powder and liquid. It is commonly mixed with drugs like heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine and made into pills that are made to resemble other prescription opioids. Fentanyl-laced drugs are extremely dangerous, and many people may be unaware that their drugs are laced with fentanyl.
[source, CDC Fact Sheet]
Q: I need to know how to find recovery houses that state insurance covers? Also need to hear how to find sober living houses so they can work and live there.
Recovery Housing is not an insurance benefit. However, VCBH currently contracts with Khepera House, who provides recovery housing for participants who are participating in outpatient SUD treatment. We have 14 beds for males and are hoping to expand this service in the next year to add beds for women as well.
Q: What population demographic is the most impacted by the use of Fentanyl and what is the % or whole number of deaths in said impacted population we know it impacts everyone, but what is the most impacted, and what steps are being taken to provide favorable outcomes?
Of the Opioid related deaths from 2022 and the first 6 months of 2023, the top 3 demographics in Ventura County by percentage are:
- Non-Hispanic White – 59.6
- Hispanic – 36.9
- Non-Hispanic African American – 3.5
Steps being taken for favorable outcomes include:
- Town hall outreach events
- SUS/Prevention Outreach with Schools
- Public Health/VCBH Collaboration for high-risk populations via Syringe Exchange Program and naloxone distribution/education
- Increased availability of naloxone across the county through VCBH Overdose Prevention Program and VCBH Access Line
- COAST Leads meetings which enhance interagency collaboration regarding this crisis
- Rx and Illicit Drug Workgroup meetings which folds multiple organizations working on the front lines of the opioid crisis into the broad initiative of preventing overdose across the county
Q: How much are people paying for Fentanyl? What is driving people to purchase/use Fentanyl? How can the faith community entity support in fighting Fentanyl? Where is Fentanyl being purchased/locations. You mentioned it’s growing in China or is it also being grown here?
Prices for fentanyl are broken down depending on weight and the area it is bought. Typical prices we see in Ventura County are approximately: $100 for a gram, $1000 for an ounce and $22,000- $24,000 for a Kilogram brick. Fentanyl pills vary on the amount bought, but generally it is about $1-$4 per pill when bought in bulk.
Q: We are at VCOE with all of you in the panel. I believe that prevention is one tool that could help many young people to stay away of drugs. We need the collaboration of VCOE and any agent to promote prevention. What is a strategy plan that our county is building for prevention?
The County of Ventura Behavioral Health has a Strategic Plan in place, and a division dedicated solely to Prevention. Our Prevention efforts are numerous, including outreach teams that are present in the community at health fairs and events throughout the year, distributing information about resources and naloxone kits. The strategic plan can be found at They’re also out in the community giving presentations at schools on a regular basis.
We host community events, such as the ‘Facing Down Fentanyl,’ event at VCOE. As the liaison to Ventura County Schools, VCOE also has adopted a fentanyl prevention curriculum developed by “Natural High” that includes engaging lesson plans for students of all ages to learn about the current scientific findings on youth behavior, brain development, social norming, and substance abuse prevention. The latest research on prevention speaks to the power of “positive example” of engaging influential people (Tony Hawk, Kelly Slater and other professional athletes, musicians, artists) to share their story and how their true passion (healthy activities that uplift, motivate, and inspire) creates a “Natural High”. The curriculum includes opportunities for student storytelling, positive alternatives to drugs, tools for effective engagement, and the skills to a happy and successful life.
VCOE has been providing Natural High’s Fentanyl Toolkit to schools to learn about the lethal effects of fentanyl and illicitly manufactured pills.
Q: Why can’t someone go to mandatory rehab, if they can die?
Currently there is no law that allows for involuntary placement in an SUD residential program.
Q: Here in Ventura County, where is our greatest need? Where is our weakness and what can a person do to help alleviate that weakness?
Our greatest immediate need is to support high-risk populations across the county. This includes the unsheltered all over the county as well as zip-codes with disparities in social determinants of health. The long-term need is to increase awareness in parents and youth regarding the dangers of fentanyl and other illicit drugs.
Q: For Erik Nasarenko – Prosecution seems too lenient on drug dealers. What can be done to the smaller dealers, they seem to pay bail and be released.
While a defendant on sales cases can receive sentences of up to five years, the majority of “low level” dealers are not given the maximum sentence because aggravating factors do not exist when the quantity of drugs is “low.”
Typically, first time dealers will receive a sentence from a court of 180 days in jail and be placed on felony probation. Defendants can receive up to 50% credit on cases such as these because the crime is not a strike for “third strike” purposes.
Certainly recidivists and those who commit an additional crime while on probation will receive longer sentences and a court will take into consideration the circumstances of each case when imposing additional custody time.
Q: What barriers does the Sheriff’s department face in fighting our counties current crisis and what can the community do to help?
The biggest barrier to law enforcement in fighting this issue is our own state legal system. While law enforcement recognizes drug addiction and the behavioral and medical issues that go along with treating it, the current system allows for drug dealers to face very little if any consequences when they are arrested for selling these substances. Even when these individuals are arrested and prosecuted when they are selling narcotics or possess it for sale, the penalties are very minor, and they are usually back to their old ways of selling very soon.
The best thing the community can do is be aware and educated on the issues that law enforcement faces. If you see something, reach out and report it. Often we serve search warrants at residences and are approached afterwards by people who thought things were “suspicious” but never brought it up to law enforcement. The other thing is to make sure you are talking with your children about the dangers of drugs. Make sure you are aware of the people they hang out with and monitor who they are contacting on social media.
Q: San Francisco and other cities have utilized ‘street teams’ to go to where behavioral health and substance use disorders are highly prevalent. Are there any ‘teams’ in Ventura County? For example, if you know someone who is suffering, any team available to go to the individual as it is often difficult for the individual to ‘go get help.’?
Through our addiction medicine team, we have a program called Backpack Medicine. This involves medical and behavioral health doctors that fan out into the community – largely homeless encampments – to treat people abusing drugs and direct them to services.
Q: Is Fentanyl the same as crystal or is it different? What are the symptoms so I can see for kids?
Illegally made fentanyl is available on the drug market in different forms, including liquid and powder.
Powdered fentanyl looks just like many other drugs. It is commonly mixed with drugs like heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine and made into pills that are made to resemble other prescription opioids. Fentanyl-laced drugs are extremely dangerous, and many people may be unaware that their drugs are laced with fentanyl. NOTE: typically, ‘crystal’ refers to methamphetamine, to which fentanyl can be added, but the terms ‘crystal’ and ‘fentanyl’ refer to different drugs.
Q: Does Ventura County have inpatient rehabilitation places for people to go to if they are using opioids or Fentanyl?
Currently, VCBH has a contract with a residential and withdrawal management (detox) treatment provider located in Ventura County. Prototypes is a perinatal residential and withdrawal management treatment provider offering services to women and children. Currently, males that are assessed to need residential or withdrawal management levels of care, receive services at Tarzana Treatment Center in Los Angeles county. VCBH is actively seeking opportunities to contract with additional residential providers in county.
Q: Why as parents are we not allowed to obtain information or help find treatment for our children, 13 and older? Please help us parents not lose our children and the rights as parents to be able to help them get into treatment for substance use. Why do some schools ignore parents when we want to report drug use or drug incidents?
There should be no barrier to parents obtaining information or treatment for children 13 and older. The county website has information for parents and everyone interested in learning about treatment options, medication safety and more.
Q: Why is it so easy to get dangerous drugs and so hard to get the M.A.T. you just talked about? Can I just get it from my regular doctor?
There are many ways for individuals to receive MAT. All VCBH clinics and contracted residential programs provide Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT). If an individual is already in treatment, they may ask to see a doctor to be assessed for which medication is right for them. If someone is not already in treatment and would like information or speak to a provider about MAT they can call the Access Line at 1-844-385-9200.
VCBH also contracts with Narcotic Treatment Providers (NTP), that dispense Methadone and Suboxone. They are Aegis Treatment Centers and Western Pacific. To get connected with a NTP, they may call the NTP provider, or they can call the access line at 1-844-385-9200 and a care coordinator can assist with connecting you to the provider.
There is an Addiction Medicine Clinic through Ventura County Medical Center that offers MAT to patients that generally have a co-occurring secondary mental health or physical health complication. In addition, because the x-waiver requirement to prescribe buprenorphine (the primary ingredient in Suboxone) has been lifted, ANY active medical doctor or psychiatrist can prescribe MAT in an outpatient setting.
Q: For Sheriff – What happens in the schools when children bring drugs to school? Or to the parents? Is anyone charged or in trouble for it?
If children are caught in school with drugs, they can be arrested, and the investigation will probably reach back to the household with Child and Family Services involved. Juvenile justice is a sensitive topic, with the focus on rehabilitation. That said, the criminal consequences are never severe. If the investigation shows that adult members of the household are the ones supplying the juvenile with drugs, they will be arrested. This is one case where California law does provide enhancements for prosecution.
Q: Are drug addiction places treating fentanyl?
Yes. As a powerful synthetic opioid, a fentanyl use disorder is typically treated with MOUD—Medication for Opioid Use Disorder. Several local providers offer services which include a treatment protocol using buprenorphine, along with counseling and other services which depend upon the level of care needed. Visit for our clinic service locations.
Q: How easy or how hard is it to get into treatment for any type of substance?
To access VCBH substance Use Treatment Services, call our Access Line at 1-844-385-9200. Individuals interested in receiving services will be given a brief screening related to current and history of use with alcohol and/or substance use. The screening will provide a pre-determined level of care and an appointment will be scheduled at a VCBH outpatient clinic or with an assessor if the screening indicated that withdrawal management (formally known as detox) or residential services may be warranted. VCBH Substance Use services offer a continuum of care, and through the screening and assessment process, medical necessity and Diagnosis is established to determine level of care and treatment needs for each individual.
Recovery Services is also a Drug Medi-Cal benefit for individuals who have completed treatment or immediately after incarceration and designed to support substance use recovery and prevent relapse with the objective of restoring the beneficiary to their best possible functional level. Individuals interested in receiving services can call the Access Line at 1-844-385-9200, or visit
Q: How can parents join the VC Focus? Do you have a program at the high school level?
VC Focus was formed In January 2023, when all Ventura County law enforcement agencies and the District Attorney’s Office joined together and created the Ventura County Fentanyl Overdose and Crimes Units (VC FOCUS). This task force has enabled the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office and the county’s municipal police departments to mutually support each other with personnel and resources to investigate the sources of fentanyl supply to Ventura County, as well as the dealers responsible for selling this deadly product within our community. This partnership allows VC FOCUS to conduct investigations on recent fatal and non-fatal overdoses and is a law enforcement only task force.
VC FOCUS does go out and speak with many community groups, schools and other citizen organizations who are interested in learning about current drug trends and dangers. We do not contact known drug users since there are professionals in behavioral health and the medical field far more qualified to talk to them about addiction, treatment, and health concerns due to their drug use. We are also narcotics detectives, so our expertise is in drug investigations and enforcing the law.
Q: I work with high schoolers with substance use problems. They tell me all types of drugs are available, used on campus. They talk about being loaded at school with little being done by authorities. We must begin educating our youth, and it’s sad when our schools cannot keep our youth safe. Is this serious problem being addressed?
This past May 9, on National Fentanyl Awareness Day, the Behavioral Health Department, in partnership with the Ventura County Office of Education, featured a 30-minute presentation in all area high schools called ‘Real Talk: Fake Pills, 100% Danger’ to educate youth on the dangers of fentanyl. This will be an ongoing effort annually.
The Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE) has adopted a fentanyl prevention curriculum developed by “Natural High” that includes engaging lesson plans for students of all ages to learn about the current scientific findings on youth behavior, brain development, social norming, and substance abuse prevention.
Q: Is there any way that we can have dogs to find drugs out of our high schools? Can we start doing more or given more information to elementary schools?
The Sheriff’s Office will use K9’s at schools if there isa specific incident where drugs are suspected, and an investigation has been initiated. The K9’s do not do routine or administrative checks for narcotics at our county schools. Depending on where you live, there may be K-9 units used for drug detection. Start by asking your school administration about local needs and policies.
Q: Are doctors and pharmaceutical companies also being prosecuted for mis-prescribing opioids?
Yes, pharmacies and physicians have faced consequences with regard to the opioid crisis. The largest three US pharmacy chains, CVS, Walgreens and Walmart have faced more than 3,000 lawsuits claiming they contributed to the opioid epidemic by dispensing opioid drugs despite obvious red flags. Individual medical providers who prescribed opioids without a legitimate medical purpose, or over-prescribed opioids to individuals, have also faced legal consequences. The Opioid Settlement Funds recently distributed to all counties and state jurisdictions that applied and will continue to be distributed over the next two decades in an effort at restitution.
Q: Have we seen Xylazine in our county? Is this going to be the new crisis? What are the educational programs looking like for our school systems in Ventura County?
Fentanyl mixed with Xylazine is an emerging threat in the United States. Xylazine is an animal tranquilizer that is increasingly being found in the US illicit drug supply and linked to overdose deaths. We have seen only a handful of these cases in Ventura County to date.
Q: Are there inpatient detox options in Ventura? We often hear that police take a person’s Narcan kit. Is there a reason for this?
Yes, there is a withdrawal management (or detox) provider for women called Prototypes in Ventura. Very soon there will be an impatient detox at VCMC which is projected to open in November 2023. In addition, a men’s detox facility is planning on opening in Ventura early 2024.
As for police seizing naloxone kits upon arrest, the general reason this is performed is that the arrestee is also carrying their illicit drugs and paraphernalia in the same bag/container.
Q: As a concerned citizen, how can I have naloxone or where can I get one?
Residents of Ventura County can obtain naloxone anonymously by calling (805) 667-6663 and receive training on how to use it. Visit and click on ‘get naloxone’ for locations near you.
Q: If opioids are so dangerous then why are doctors still allowed to prescribe them so freely?
Opioids are a legitimate drug for serious pain issues, such as for cancer patients and people who have undergone surgery, when prescribed by a doctor. What’s dangerous is illicit opioids – those not prescribed by a doctor but illicitly manufactured in a lab – and sold by drug dealers, often on the internet. The only safe drugs to take are prescribed by a physician, and even then, there is education to the patient about appropriate use.
Q: Is it not true that the pharmaceutical companies were pushing opioids and doctors were being encouraged to prescribe opioids? Which, in turn created this problem?
Prescription opioids have always been used to alleviate serious pain, such as after surgery. The opioid crisis, that is the rise in opioid overdose deaths, can be outlined in three distinct waves. The first wave began with increased prescribing of opioids in the 1990’s, with overdose deaths involving prescription opioids (natural and semi-synthetic opioids and methadone) increasing since at least 1999. The second wave began in 2010, with rapid increases in overdose deaths involving heroin. The third wave began in 2013, with significant increases in overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids, particularly those involving illicitly manufactured fentanyl. The market for illicitly manufactured fentanyl continues to change, and it can be found in combination with heroin, counterfeit pills and cocaine.
Q: What do you believe is the root cause of the issue? Thoughts on patients and long monopolies of drugs? People self-medicate when existing medicine doesn’t work. How do you determine the success of current programs? Do you use metrics? Can those be reported publicly to our community? Measuring, reporting, transparency and accountability: How does VC compare globally? This is a global issue, not local so are we, and who is that work to benchmark? Do we have all stakeholders at the table? No. Should we have a user speak too? Or patient?
Addiction is a complex and much-studied societal issue. Research demonstrates a strong link between exposure to traumatic events and problematic substance use. Many people who have experienced child abuse, assault, war, natural disasters, or other traumatic events turn to alcohol or drugs to help cope with emotional pain, sleep disturbances, intrusive memories, anxiety, or terror. People with substance use problems are more likely to experience traumatic events than those without these problems. The county has an Opioid & Illicit Drug Workgroup, which meets six times a year and has numerous county agencies and community partners, such as non-profits like Give-an-Hour and Nate’s Place, to name a couple, to discuss everything from law enforcement strategies to deal with drug dealers, to education in schools to vulnerable teens. The original COAST funding supported dashboard visualizations showing various local data to provide trend information and insights on opioid abatement opportunities. This involved creating a dashboard receiving data securely from various agencies, including naloxone administration by all pre-hospital care providers as well as the VCBH rescue kits issued to county residents. These data are used to monitor trends and assist in enhancing outreach and targeting prevention services. For an example, please see Additional data is available at
The County Behavioral Health Department does plan on hosting a number of these Town Halls in the coming year and will be inviting speakers including those with lived experience.
Q: How is Fentanyl created? What chemicals are in it that make it so dangerous? How is it processed?
Illicit fentanyl, primarily manufactured in foreign clandestine labs and smuggled into the United States through Mexico, is being distributed across the country and sold on the illegal drug market. Fentanyl is being mixed in with other illicit drugs to increase the potency of the drug, sold as powders and nasal sprays and increasingly pressed into pills made to look like legitimate prescription opioids. Because there is no official oversight or quality control, these counterfeit pills often contain lethal doses of fentanyl, with none of the promised drug.
Q: If you take Fentanilo, does it take just a little bit to die? If I take this drug with other ones will I die of an overdose?
Producing illicit fentanyl is not an exact science. Two milligrams of fentanyl, or 10-15 grains of table salt, can be lethal depending on a person’s body size, tolerance and past usage. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has found counterfeit pills ranging from .02 to 5.1 milligrams (more than twice the lethal dose) of fentanyl per tablet. In reviewing medical examiner data for opioid-related fatal overdose, fentanyl is a contributing factor in multiple “poly-drug” overdoses.
Using Data to Better Serve an Underserved Community
Learn how listening and collaboration led to responsive change in the community.

September is National Recovery Month
Board of Supervisors Meeting – June 6, 2023
A presentation by the County Opioid Abuse Suppression Taskforce (COAST) on the multi-agency effort to combat the opioid crisis in Ventura County was given to the Board of Supervisors on June 6th. County Behavioral Health Director Scot Gillman, and Substance Use Services Manager Dan Hicks, laid out the history of the heroin, opioid and now, fentanyl crisis in our county, as well as the decades long effort by Behavioral Health Department to address them.

It was a united front by all COAST Leads: Public Health’s Associate Public Health Officer, Dr. Uldine Castel, Medical Examiner Dr. Christopher Young, Assistant Sheriff Victor Fazio and District Attorney Erik Nasarenko, on what their individual offices are doing toward this effort as well as the power of the combined efforts by COAST. The Board members had numerous questions and lauded the COAST Leads for all being done in our county around this ongoing health and law enforcement crisis in Ventura County, as well as the country.
Facing Down Fentanyl
See highlights from the presentation to the Ventura County Board of Supervisors on June 6, 2023:
Real Talk: Fake Pills, 100% Danger
National Fentanyl Awareness Day was recognized with numerous events to different demographics in the county. The Ventura County Office of Education teamed up with Ventura County Behavioral Health and invited all county high schools to participate in National Fentanyl Awareness Day on May 9.
The Behavioral Health Department prepared a 32-minute video presentation that spoke directly to youth in our county in a first-ever Youth Summit on this topic. “Real Talk: Fake Pills, 100% Danger,” was made available to every high school in Ventura County, and by the end of the week (May 12) had over 1,300 downloads by school districts and parents. This is the first in what will be an annual event to educate students in the dangers of illicit opioids and fentanyl.
See the presentation below:
Prescribers Care May 9th Event
Continuing with the Prescribers Care Discussion Series in 2023, Ventura County Behavioral Health provided education and resources to Behavioral Health clinical staff, including therapists and physicians, during a morning presentation that also shared information about the growing fentanyl problem in our county.
It was followed by a lunchtime presentation that was championed by our own Dr. Joseph Vlaskovitz, a psychiatrist and director of the Behavioral Health Department’s Substance Use Treatment Services, again targeted to physicians throughout the county. In the evening, a special panel presentation at Las Posas Country Club, which featured Medical Examiner Dr. Christopher Young, VCMC’s Addiction Specialist Dr. Tipu Kahn, VCSO’s Sergeant John Hajducko and Addiction Specialist Dr. Matthew Lamon, on the very real effects of the fentanyl crisis they see in their work.
Learn more about Prescribes Care →
Event – The Fentanyl Crisis: What You Need to Know Now

The Fentanyl Crisis: What You Need to Know Now
Learn About Latest Trends and Burprenorphine in Primary Care for Our Patients
May 9, 2023 • 5:30–8:00 PM
Las Posas Country Club, Camarillo
Ventura County faces a crisis of fentanyl deaths. In 2022 there were 181 accidental overdose deaths involving fentanyl. In just three short years our county has experienced a 445% increase in fentanyl fatalities. However, these deaths only represent a fraction of the total number of Ventura County individuals, families, and communities harmed by substance misuse, and suffering daily from chronic use disorders. We invite you to join us in changing this reality.
In facing our local crisis, the importance of practitioner training in substance use disorders cannot be overstated. All members of a patient’s care team play important roles, but primary care providers are pivotal in providing increased access to treatment. The recent elimination of the X-waiver requirement to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid use disorder offers the chance to expand access to treatment in primary care settings, which can turn the tide of the opioid crisis.
- Hear from local experts and discuss with peers the latest overdose trends
- Learn about recent legislative changes related to opioid use disorder treatment
- Receive provider and patient resources that can assist in expanding access
- Discuss factors at the provider, health system, and patient levels that serve as barriers to accessing buprenorphine-based treatment.
- Learn skills needed to screen, counsel, treat, and coordinate care
- Help us bend the trend!
Join the Discussion May 9th!
National Fentanyl Awareness Day

- Chris Young, M.D.
Ventura County Chief Medical Examiner - Sergeant John Hajducko
Ventura County Sheriff’s Office - Joseph C. Vlaskovits, M.D.
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, and Addiction Medicine, Program Director, Community Memorial Healthcare Psychiatry Residency Program; Faculty, Ventura County Medical Center Primary Care Addiction Medicine Fellowship; Medical Director, Substance Use Treatment Services, Ventura County Behavioral Health - Tipu Khan, M.D., FAAFP, FASAM
Chief of Addiction Medicine at VCMC; Family, Emergency, and Addiction Medicine; Fellowship Director, Primary Care Addiction Medicine Fellowship; Faculty, Family Medicine Residency Program, Ventura County Medical Center; Adjunct Clinical Professor, USC Keck SOM - Mathew Lamon, D.O.
Family and Addiction Medicine; Core Faculty, Ventura County Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program; Associate Program Director, VCMC Primary Care Addiction Medicine Fellowship

CME credits will be available for this event. Dinner and Refreshments will be served.
If you have questions regarding this series, please contact Ashley Nettles at

Prescribers are key to creating change in our community.
Thanks to exceptional local collaboration, Ventura County has seen a decrease in opioid prescribing in recent years – a 24% reduction between 2017 and 2020 – as providers have employed safe prescribing practices and increased use of non-narcotic pain management strategies.
Unfortunately, overdose deaths continue to climb, largely due to illegal fentanyl, which has replaced much of the local heroin use and is contributing to the rising number of overdose emergencies. As a concerned local provider, we invite you to join the Prescriber Discussion Series:
- Hear from local experts and discuss with peers the latest trends and best practices.
- Get provider-focused resources to reduce misuse and opioid use disorder (OUD).
- Learn the new State guidelines and latest tools for patient care and provider coordination.
Connecting because we care. For our patients and for our community.
- September 21, 2022
Person-Centered Strategies to Reduce Opioid Overdose
- August 31, 2022
Deprescribing is Good Prescribing
- June 8, 2022
Evidence-based Safe Prescribing
- May 11, 2022
Latest Trends in Overdose: What Prescribers Need to Know About Illicit Fentanyl

February is Black History Month!
December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
Event: Fentanyl Strategies for Schools – Nov 1

DATE: November 1, 2022
TIME: 2:30pm – 4:00pm
1911 Williams Dr., Oxnard, CA 93036
Training Room, Ground Floor
(Parking will be available rear of building adjacent to Probation Offices.)
This training will provide foundational knowledge and tools to draft policy that will enable access to naloxone for Ventura County school districts and sites. Subject matter experts will engage in discussion regarding district protocols and next steps to train staff in recognizing and responding to the signs of an opioid-related overdose.
This is a no-cost, in-person event. Space is limited.
To RSVP, please contact Cari Kawell at 805-981-6831 or email
- District Superintendents
- Site Administrators
- School Nurses
- Site/Local Teams of Educator

Oxnard Union High School District
Lisa is a school nurse for Oxnard Union High School District. She has 13 years of local experience working in Ventura County schools in addition to raising and graduating five children in Conejo Valley. She is the Special Education Chair of the Central Coast section of the California School Nurse Organization and was recognized by her peers for excellence in school nursing in 2022.

Program Manager, Give an Hour
Ashley Nettles specializes in Substance Use Prevention and program services with an expertise in the Opioid crisis. Providing innovative strategies to reach high risk community members and their families through quality education and training. Ashley’s passion for her work is fueled by her personal family experience. Her first-hand experience with how addiction affected her family gives her the ability to champion change for families and communities that are feeling the devastating effects of our nation's opioid crisis.

This is a no-cost, in-person event. Space is limited.
To RSVP, please contact Cari Kawell at 805-981-6831 or email
See and download the event flyer.
NPR: Is 'rainbow fentanyl' a threat to your kids this Halloween? Experts say no

Experts believe that children are not being specifically targeted. That doesn’t mean that we should not be concerned about children and pills. All medication should be safely stored and away from children, and children should be alerted not to consume anything that looks like a pill.
September is National Recovery Month

Recovery Month celebrates the gains made by those in recovery from substance use and mental health, just as we celebrate improvements made by those who are managing other health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, and heart disease. Each September, Recovery Month works to promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the emergence of a strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of service providers and community members across the nation who make recovery in all its forms possible.
Learn more:
Prescribers Care Discussion Series – September 21, 2022

SEPTEMBER 21, 2022
5:30–7:30 PM
Sterling Hills Golf Club, Camarillo
Join the discussion on how as leaders in health care we can do our part in reversing the current opioid overdose death trend in our community. Learn more about the latest advances in opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment, how new approaches to integrated care and cutting-edge harm reduction strategies
can reduce overdoses in our community. Discuss how to educate patients on what they can do to prevent opioid misuse.
- Loretta L. Denering, DrPH, MS; Assistant Director, Ventura County Behavioral Health
- Rachel McDuffee, PsyD; Regional Director Aegis Treatment Centers
- Tipu V. Khan, MD, FAAFP, FASAM; Addiction Medicine Fellowship Director, VCMC

For more information:

Prescribers are key to creating change in our community.
Thanks to exceptional local collaboration, Ventura County has seen a decrease in opioid prescribing in recent years – a 24% reduction between 2017 and 2020 – as providers have employed safe prescribing practices and increased use of non-narcotic pain management strategies.
Unfortunately, overdose deaths continue to climb, largely due to illegal fentanyl, which has replaced much of the local heroin use and is contributing to the rising number of overdose emergencies. As a concerned local provider, we invite you to join the Prescriber Discussion Series:
- Hear from local experts and discuss with peers the latest trends and best practices.
- Get provider-focused resources to reduce misuse and opioid use disorder (OUD).
- Learn the new State guidelines and latest tools for patient care and provider coordination.
Connecting because we care. For our patients and for our community.
- May 11, 2022 • 5:30–7:30 PM
Latest Trends in Overdose: What Prescribers Need to Know About Illicit Fentanyl
- June 8, 2022 • 5:30–7:30PM
Evidence-based Safe Prescribing
- August 31, 2022 • 5:30–7:30PM
Deprescribing is Good Prescribing

International Overdose Awareness Day - August 31, 2022

International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31, 2022, is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose and remember those who have died without stigma and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind. The campaign raises awareness of overdose, which is one of the world’s worst public health crises and stimulates action and discussion about evidence-based overdose prevention and drug policy.
Learn more:
Prescribers Care Discussion Series – August 31, 2022

August 31, 2022
5:30–7:30 PM
Sterling Hills Golf Club, Camarillo
Just as safe prescribing is an integral and effective strategy to prevent opioid use disorder, safe deprescribing is also key. In this workshop, we’ll discuss when, and how to safely and effectively taper patients from opioid usage. Is the deprescribing plan not working? Let’s talk about how to talk with patients about opioid use disorder and effective referrals to substance use treatment.
- Tipu V. Khan, MD, FAAFP, FASAM; Addiction Medicine Fellowship Director, VCMC
- Kyle Stephens, DO, Family Medicine Specialist, Primary Care
- George C. Chang Chien, DO, Director of Pain Management, Ventura County Medical Center

For more information:

Prescribers are key to creating change in our community.
Thanks to exceptional local collaboration, Ventura County has seen a decrease in opioid prescribing in recent years – a 24% reduction between 2017 and 2020 – as providers have employed safe prescribing practices and increased use of non-narcotic pain management strategies.
Unfortunately, overdose deaths continue to climb, largely due to illegal fentanyl, which has replaced much of the local heroin use and is contributing to the rising number of overdose emergencies. As a concerned local provider, we invite you to join the Prescriber Discussion Series:
- Hear from local experts and discuss with peers the latest trends and best practices.
- Get provider-focused resources to reduce misuse and opioid use disorder (OUD).
- Learn the new State guidelines and latest tools for patient care and provider coordination.
Connecting because we care. For our patients and for our community.
- September 21, 2022 • 5:30-7:30pm
Person-Centered Strategies to Reduce Opioid Overdose
- May 11, 2022 • 5:30–7:30 PM
Latest Trends in Overdose: What Prescribers Need to Know About Illicit Fentanyl
- June 8, 2022 • 5:30–7:30PM
Evidence-based Safe Prescribing

Prescribers Care Discussion Series – June 8, 2022

June 8, 2022
5:30–7:30 PM
Sterling Hills Golf Club, Camarillo
Join us for a review of local opioid prescribing trends. We’ll discuss how safe prescribing and use of CURES can prevent or reduce opioid misuse and opioid use disorder (OUD) in our patients. Hear from Tipu Khan MD, an author of the newest California Guidelines for Safe Opioid Prescribing, on how to utilize the newest guidelines in our practices. Learn how other local Primary Care and Pain Management Specialist use effective safe prescribing strategies to treat patients at risk of opioid misuse or opioid use disorder (OUD).
- Tipu V. Khan, MD, FAAFP, FASAM; Addiction Medicine Fellowship Director, VCMC
- Kyle Stephens, DO, Family Medicine Specialist, Primary Care
- George Chang Chien, DO, Director of Pain Management, Ventura County Medical Center

For more information:

Prescribers are key to creating change in our community.
Thanks to exceptional local collaboration, Ventura County has seen a decrease in opioid prescribing in recent years – a 24% reduction between 2017 and 2020 – as providers have employed safe prescribing practices and increased use of non-narcotic pain management strategies.
Unfortunately, overdose deaths continue to climb, largely due to illegal fentanyl, which has replaced much of the local heroin use and is contributing to the rising number of overdose emergencies. As a concerned local provider, we invite you to join the Prescriber Discussion Series:
- Hear from local experts and discuss with peers the latest trends and best practices.
- Get provider-focused resources to reduce misuse and opioid use disorder (OUD).
- Learn the new State guidelines and latest tools for patient care and provider coordination.
Connecting because we care. For our patients and for our community.
- August 31, 2022 • 5:30 7:30 PM
Deprescribing is Good Prescribing
- September 21, 2022 • 5:30-7:30pm
Person-Centered Strategies to Reduce Opioid Overdose
- May 11, 2022 • 5:30–7:30 PM
Latest Trends in Overdose: What Prescribers Need to Know About Illicit Fentanyl

Prescribers Care Discussion Series

Prescribers are key to creating change in our community.
Thanks to exceptional local collaboration, Ventura County has seen a decrease in opioid prescribing in recent years – a 24% reduction between 2017 and 2020 – as providers have employed safe prescribing practices and increased use of non-narcotic pain management strategies.
Unfortunately, overdose deaths continue to climb, largely due to illegal fentanyl, which has replaced much of the local heroin use and is contributing to the rising number of overdose emergencies. As a concerned local provider, we invite you to join the Prescriber Discussion Series:
- Hear from local experts and discuss with peers the latest trends and best practices.
- Get provider-focused resources to reduce misuse and opioid use disorder (OUD).
- Learn the new State guidelines and latest tools for patient care and provider coordination.
Connecting because we care. For our patients and for our community.

May 11, 2022
5:30–7:30 PM
Sterling Hills Golf Club, Camarillo
The CDC estimates that up to 83% of opioid overdose deaths in 2020 involved synthetic opioids. Join the discussion with other local medical leaders on what this means for local communities. Prescribers are key to preventing opioid misuse by patients that can progress to an opioid use disorder (OUD), illicit fentanyl use and subsequent death. If you are dedicated to improving health outcomes and patient well-being, please join the discussion.
Note: This session includes local law enforcement data on current illicit drug trends, terminology, and access, as well as provider tips for effectively communicating with patients at risk of opioid misuse or overdose.
- Chris Young, MD, Ventura County Chief Medical Examiner
- Tipu V. Khan, MD, FAAFP, FASAM; Addiction Medicine Fellowship Director, VCMC
- Sergeant John Hajducko, Ventura County Sheriff’s Department

For more information:

- June 8, 2022, 5:30–7:30 PM
Evidence-based Safe Prescribing
- August 31, 2022, 5:30 7:30 PM
Deprescribing is Good Prescribing
- September 21, 2022 • 5:30-7:30pm
Person-Centered Strategies to Reduce Opioid Overdose
COAST Update

By Sheila Murphy, COAST Administrator
In October 2018, the Ventura County Behavioral Health Department was notified that its application for the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program, federal funding provided by the U.S. Department of Justice to combat opioid misuse, had been granted. The amount of the award was $935,401, and just under the $1 million maximum. The three-year grant was the largest award of two California county grants in the category.
The COAST Program – County Opioid Abuse Suppression Taskforce – has worked to address opioid abuse in Ventura County exclusively during the past three years, though Behavioral Health has been working tirelessly on this effort when the Ventura County Rx Abuse & Heroin Workgroup was launched in early 2012 to tackle the newly-identified opioid crisis.
COAST has worked closely with our stakeholders – the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office, Ventura County Medical Examiner’s Office, Ventura County Public Health and Ventura County EMS. With the creation of a Data Management Coordinator position earlier this year, COAST has been taking a deep dive on analyzing trends and targeted efforts to reduce local impacts.
The U.S. Department of Justice grant funding of COAST ended in October 2021, but the work, even more important during the past two years, continues, as a stand-alone program under the Substance Use Services division of Behavioral Health. The COAST Opioid Data Dashboard was developed to inform the public on important data such as opioid-related deaths over a five-year period (2016-2020), lives saved with naloxone (2014-2019), and prescriptions for opioids in the year 2018, among others. The Dashboard will be updated annually.
The emergence of fentanyl as the leading cause of overdose deaths, both in Ventura County and nationally, has taken the work of COAST to greater collaboration with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office. We will continue to look for innovative ways to educate and inform residents of our county about the very real dangers of illicit drugs, and how they can keep themselves and their families safe and healthy. To learn more,
COAST Newsletter - October 2021

Every quarter we send out COAST Newsletters to keep you informed about our COAST grant efforts to address the Opioid crisis in Ventura County. Through the COAST grant, Ventura County agencies are working together to reduce illicit opioid supply, decrease opioid demand, and save lives. By sharing and comparing data, we can leverage information, analyze trends, and target resources to respond to this evolving public health crisis. In this newsletter, see the Interview with Dr. Christopher Young, MD, Ventura County Medical Examiner.
DEA Issues Public Safety Alert on Sharp Increase in Fake Prescription Pills Containing Fentanyl and Meth
DEA Warns that International and Domestic Criminal Drug Networks are Flooding the United States with Lethal Counterfeit Pills
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Drug Enforcement Administration issued a Public Safety Alert warning Americans of the alarming increase in the lethality and availability of fake prescription pills containing fentanyl and methamphetamine. DEA’s Public Safety Alert, the first in six years, seeks to raise public awareness of a significant nationwide surge in counterfeit pills that are mass-produced by criminal drug networks in labs, deceptively marketed as legitimate prescription pills, and are killing unsuspecting Americans at an unprecedented rate.
These counterfeit pills have been seized by DEA in every U.S. state in unprecedented quantities. More than 9.5 million counterfeit pills were seized so far this year, which is more than the last two years combined. DEA laboratory testing reveals a dramatic rise in the number of counterfeit pills containing at least two milligrams of fentanyl, which is considered a lethal dose. A deadly dose of fentanyl is small enough to fit on the tip of a pencil.
Counterfeit pills are illegally manufactured by criminal drug networks and are made to look like real prescription opioid medications such as oxycodone (Oxycontin®, Percocet®), hydrocodone (Vicodin®), and alprazolam (Xanax®); or stimulants like amphetamines (Adderall®). Fake prescription pills are widely accessible and often sold on social media and e-commerce platforms – making them available to anyone with a smartphone, including minors.
“The United States is facing an unprecedented crisis of overdose deaths fueled by illegally manufactured fentanyl and methamphetamine,” said Anne Milgram, Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration. “Counterfeit pills that contain these dangerous and extremely addictive drugs are more lethal and more accessible than ever before. In fact, DEA lab analyses reveal that two out of every five fake pills with fentanyl contain a potentially lethal dose. DEA is focusing resources on taking down the violent drug traffickers causing the greatest harm and posing the greatest threat to the safety and health of Americans. Today, we are alerting the public to this danger so that people have the information they need to protect themselves and their children.”
Learn more:
A Proclamation on Overdose Awareness Week, 2021
AUGUST 27, 2021
The overdose epidemic has taken a toll on far too many Americans and their loved ones. Addiction is a disease that touches families in every community, including my own. The epidemic is national, but the impact is personal. It is personal to the millions who confront substance use disorder every day, and to the families who have lost loved ones to an overdose. During Overdose Awareness Week, we recommit to taking bold actions to prevent overdoses and related deaths, and enhance our support for individuals with substance use disorders.
In recent years, we have seen synthetic opioids, such as illicitly manufactured fentanyl, drive many overdose deaths with cocaine- and methamphetamine-related deaths also increasing at alarming rates. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the overdose epidemic, as necessary pandemic restrictions made it harder for individuals with addiction to receive the treatment and support services they need. These factors contributed to the more than 93,000 drug overdose deaths in 2020. As a Nation, we need a strong response to America’s overdose epidemic and an investment in prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery services, as well as strategies to reduce the supply of illicit drugs.
Read more:
COAST Newsletter - July 2021

Every quarter we send out COAST Newsletters to keep you informed about our COAST grant efforts to address the Opioid crisis in Ventura County. Through the COAST grant, Ventura County agencies are working together to reduce illicit opioid supply, decrease opioid demand, and save lives. By sharing and comparing data, we can leverage information, analyze trends, and target resources to respond to this evolving public health crisis. See the July 2021 Newsletter and learn about recent efforts being made by our team.
COAST Newsletter - April 2021

Every quarter we send out COAST Newsletters to keep you informed about our COAST grant efforts to address the Opioid crisis in Ventura County. Through the COAST grant, Ventura County agencies are working together to reduce illicit opioid supply, decrease opioid demand, and save lives. By sharing and comparing data, we can leverage information, analyze trends, and target resources to respond to this evolving public health crisis. See the April 2021 Newsletter and learn about recent efforts being made by our team.
Interview with Brad Friday, COAST Grant

Today we are talking with Brad Friday, Implementation Coordinator for the County Opioid Abuse Suppression Taskforce (COAST) Grant, Ventura County Behavioral Health, Substance Use Services - Prevention.
Hi Brad. Please describe your work with the COAST grant.
Brad: My work with COAST includes collection, dissemination, and publishing of pertinent County Opioid-related data via Public and Internal Dashboards, as well liaising between the requirements of the grant and our key stakeholders/partners.
How did you get interested in the field of prevention?
Brad: While serving as an Active-Duty Hospital Corpsman in the Navy, I was assigned to Marine Corps ground forces as a Field Medic. The prevention bug first bit while preparing/educating Marines prior to operational deployments rather than being strictly reactionary. After that tour I became a “Preventive Medicine Technician” within Navy Medicine which specialized in overall safety, health, and wellness of deployable forces within the Navy and Marine Corps.
What is your passion for working in the community?
Brad: It’s validating to contribute toward providing our diverse population a safe place to live and grow despite the challenges we face. This only happens by being at the ground level and interacting with the community along with our multi-agency partners who are working hard to achieve this mutual goal. My passion is to keep these threads tied together, to enhance these relationships and to maintain a unified front in suppressing the opioid crisis.
What are the areas that you hope to make changes in?
Brad: My goal in working within the COAST Project is to act as a conduit toward reducing opiate abuse, overdoses and overdose deaths via immediate communication of real-time data. This communication will then guide prevention, health care, and community leaders who join us in tackling the opioid crisis toward making more informed decisions.
Tell us one thing about you that helps us get to know you better?
Brad: I am originally from the Midwest but felt deeply connected to Ventura County upon being stationed in Port Hueneme some 20 years ago. While my career took me out of the county for a while, the attachment to this area never left. I’m not only happy that I get to live in this amazing area with so much to offer; I’m also increasingly proud I’m able to serve this community in this capacity.
Thank you Brad for sharing your experience with us. Your commitment and passion is inspiring.
Learn more:
Opioid Data Dashboard
Cocaine, Meth & Stimulant Summit

Guest Post, Sheila Murphy, COAST Grant Administrator
Led by multi-disciplinary experts from across the nation, the Cocaine, Meth & Stimulant Summit provides the most extensive educational experience for professionals on the frontlines of this rising epidemic.
The Cocaine, Meth & Stimulant Summit was held virtually from November 20-22, 2020. During a year in which conferences via Zoom have become the norm, the Summit came off seamlessly, while also informative and relevant. In its third year, the Cocaine, Meth & Stimulant Summit is the only educational event focused on addressing the Stimulant crisis. Drug overdoses in this country were increasing prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and have increased exponentially since March of this year.
Presentations included 28 live discussions, and two educational tracks, with field experts and change makers who work daily to address this emergency compounding the opioid epidemic. It provided a roster of clinical, law enforcement, and public health professionals with practical strategies and solutions. Stimulants have become increasingly prevalent in overdoses and addiction nationally and locally.
A session I attended on “Applying Best Practices to Communicate about Drug Overdose Prevention” shared that opioids were responsible for 60% of overdose deaths in 2018 across the country and sadly only 10% of those addicted to opioids ever receive treatment. Older people are less likely than the general population to perceive themselves at risk for addiction. Prevention communications about the dangers of opioid addiction to caregivers and first responders is essential.
Watch for my updates where I’ll share some more about lessons learned at the Summit.
Stats: 2.2 million people are current users of cocaine; 6 million Americans misuse prescription stimulants; 964,000 people aged 12 and older have a meth use disorder; and 0 is the number of FDA-approved medications to treat stimulant use disorder.
Learn more:
County launches dashboard to track opioid use, abuse
Simi Valley Acorn, September 18, 2020
Online resource made possible by federal grant aimed at addressing crisis.
The Ventura County Behavioral Health Department launched on Sept. 1 a public-facing data dashboard that provides the community with statistics about opioid-involved drug use. Dr. Loretta Denering, chief of the county’s Substance Use Services Division, said the new dashboard will be a valuable resource to county residents. “Local trends and resources, including addiction treatment locations, prescription drug drop-off locations and overdose prevention strategies, are featured,” she said. “Until now, there has never been a one-stop site.”
In 2018, the department was awarded a federal grant that, in collaboration with multiple agencies, has allowed for more innovative ways to address the opioid crisis. One of the grant efforts was to create the community dashboard in addition to tracking the nature and extent of the crisis locally, as well as providing more services to the public, especially those with an opioid-use disorder.
Ventura County Launches COAST Opioid Data Dashboard

Fewer Overdoses and Increased Access to Care Are Priorities
Ventura County agencies are working together to reduce illicit opioid supply, decrease opioid demand, and save lives. By sharing and comparing data, we can leverage information, analyze trends, and target resources to respond to this evolving public health crisis.
On September 1st, The Ventura County Behavioral Health Department (VCBH) launched a public-facing data dashboard that provides the community with important statistics around opioid involved drug use. The public can access this user-friendly dashboard by visiting
“Local trends and resources, including addiction treatment locations, prescription drug drop-off locations, and overdose prevention strategies are featured. This is a one-stop site."
— Dr. Loretta Denering, Chief, Substance Use Services Division
As a response to the opioid crisis, VCBH has prioritized increased access to care for opioid users. In October of 2018, VCBH was awarded a federal grant, that in collaboration with multiple agencies, including Public Health, Emergency Medical Services, Ambulatory Care, Sheriff’s Office and the Medical Examiner’s Office, has allowed for more innovative ways to address the crisis. One of the grant deliverables was to create this dashboard for the community, in addition to tracking the nature and extent of the crisis locally, as well as providing more services to the public, especially those with an opioid use disorder.
VCBH provides a continuum of care for substance use and addiction problems, with six locations and access to a range of treatment services for achieving and maintaining recovery.
“Getting help for addiction starts with taking fifteen minutes to call the Access Line, or visiting our dashboard. We want people to get to the help they need."
— Dr. Sevet Johnson, Director, Ventura County Behavioral Health
If you believe you or a family member may be struggling with addiction, talk to your healthcare provider or call the confidential 24/7 Access Line: 1-844-385-9200.
View Promotion Resources
Coast Data Dashboard
Ventura County Launches COAST Opioid Data Dashboard

Fewer Overdoses and Increased Access to Care Are Priorities
Ventura County agencies are working together to reduce illicit opioid supply, decrease opioid demand, and save lives. By sharing and comparing data, we can leverage information, analyze trends, and target resources to respond to this evolving public health crisis.
On September 1st, The Ventura County Behavioral Health Department (VCBH) launched a public-facing data dashboard that provides the community with important statistics around opioid involved drug use. The public can access this user-friendly dashboard by visiting
“Local trends and resources, including addiction treatment locations, prescription drug drop-off locations, and overdose prevention strategies are featured. This is a one-stop site."
— Dr. Loretta Denering, Chief, Substance Use Services Division
As a response to the opioid crisis, VCBH has prioritized increased access to care for opioid users. In October of 2018, VCBH was awarded a federal grant, that in collaboration with multiple agencies, including Public Health, Emergency Medical Services, Ambulatory Care, Sheriff’s Office and the Medical Examiner’s Office, has allowed for more innovative ways to address the crisis. One of the grant deliverables was to create this dashboard for the community, in addition to tracking the nature and extent of the crisis locally, as well as providing more services to the public, especially those with an opioid use disorder.
VCBH provides a continuum of care for substance use and addiction problems, with six locations and access to a range of treatment services for achieving and maintaining recovery.
“Getting help for addiction starts with taking fifteen minutes to call the Access Line, or visiting our dashboard. We want people to get to the help they need."
— Dr. Sevet Johnson, Director, Ventura County Behavioral Health
If you believe you or a family member may be struggling with addiction, talk to your healthcare provider or call the confidential 24/7 Access Line: 1-844-385-9200.
View Promotion Resources
Coast Data Dashboard
Video: Effects of COVID-19 on the Opioid Crisis, with Francis Collins and Nora Volkow
NIH Director, Dr. Francis Collins and NIDA Director Dr. Nora Volkow discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic may be escalating the opioid crisis and efforts to adapt research as a result of the convergence of two drastic health crises.
Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse, July 6, 2020
Vaping, Opioid Addiction Accelerate Coronavirus Risks, Says NIDA Director
Volkow spoke with Kaiser Health News about the emerging science around COVID-19’s relationship to vaping and to opioid use disorder, as well as how these underlying epidemics could increase people’s risks. In 2018, opioid overdoses claimed about 47,000 American lives. Last year, federal authorities reported that 5.4 million middle and high school students vaped. And just two months ago, about 2,800 cases of vaping-associated lung injuries resulted in hospitalizations; 68 people died. Until mid-March, these numbers commanded attention. But as the coronavirus death toll climbs and the economic costs of attempting to control its spread wreak havoc, the public health focus is now dramatically different.
Coronavirus Crisis Spurs Access To Online Treatment For Opioid Addiction
Opioid addiction isn't taking a break during the coronavirus pandemic, but the U.S. response to the viral crisis is making addiction treatment easier to get. Opioid addiction isn't taking a break during the coronavirus pandemic. But the U.S. response to the viral crisis is making addiction treatment easier to get. Under the national emergency declared by the Trump administration in March, the government has suspended a federal law that required patients to have an in-person visit with a physician before they could be prescribed drugs that help quell withdrawal symptoms, such as Suboxone. Patients can now get those prescriptions via a phone call or videoconference with a doctor
HHS Official: ‘Fourth Wave’ Looms in Drug Crisis
Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit 2020
Despite overall drug overdose-related deaths decreasing in 2018, other statistics indicate a rising “fourth wave” in the nation’s substance use disorder crisis means there is more work to be done, federal officials said in addresses presented during the evening plenary session of the virtual Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit on Wednesday.
Admiral Brett Giroir, MD, assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said methamphetamine-associated deaths saw a 20% to 30% year-over-year increase in 2018, with methamphetamine-associated deaths overtaking those linked to prescription opioids and heroin, with cocaine soon to be next. Polysubstance use is now the norm, Giroir said, noting that methamphetamine and illicit fentanyl or fentayl analogue use together is on the rise.
Researchers: Hope is on the horizon
Many clinical trials and research initiatives targeted to the opioid crisis have had to be placed on hold while our country focuses on responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the potential that awaits just over the horizon is encouraging, stated two of the country’s leading researchers. Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) – both long-time contributors to the Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit – joined Thursday, April 16, for a conversation to discuss the status of promising research.
For Drug Users, COVID-19 Poses Added Dangers
U.S. News
The National Institute on Drug Abuse director warns the coronavirus could increase the pressure to use, cause complicated health effects and curtail access to treatment for those struggling with addiction. As the novel coronavirus spreads and more states issue stay-at-home orders in the U.S., the head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse says social isolation and overburdened health systems could paint a dire picture for people struggling with addiction.
"Every one of us is affected by COVID – maybe we don't get infected, (but) we're all anxious because of the uncertainties" surrounding it, NIDA Director Dr. Nora Volkow says. "How we cope with that anxiety is very much dependent on multiple factors, including our circumstances, but one of the ways that people cope with it is by taking drugs."
Officials worry of potential spike in overdose deaths amid COVID-19 pandemic
ABC news
Health officials worry extended isolation could exacerbate the problem. Health officials acknowledged there could be a myriad of potential factors behind the increase of overdoses in some communities, with a primary concern being the obstacles that social distancing orders have created for public health services like addiction clinics and syringe exchange services.
U.S. Representatives: Don’t Dial Back Opioid Response Now
RX Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit.
In Wednesday’s morning plenary session in the Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, three U.S. representatives expressed cautious optimism about the nation’s drug overdose death rate dropping by 4.6% in 2018—the first decline recorded in decades—but added that neither that development nor the COVID-19 crisis is a reason to throttle back now.
“For the first time in literally 20 years, the number of Americans who lost their lives to opioid overdose declined. Think about that. That’s bending the curve in a productive way. But obviously, the fight is not over. We’ll have to continue in the years ahead to devote additional resources to research, law enforcement and, most importantly, finding ways to help folks who have become addicted—usually through no fault of their own, usually by following a legitimate prescription given to them by a medical professional."
Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit 2020
The Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, a 2020 Virtual Experience, begins today through April 16. VCBH staff have been attending the Rx Summit since its inception in 2012. We brought back the inspiration and the momentum of the Rx Summit annually to inform our efforts to address the opioid crisis at home in Ventura County.
“The same power, the same drive that prompted you to be a part of the solution – to beat back the opioid epidemic, to save lives, and bring illegal drug dealers to justice – it’s that same victorious spirit that will carry this nation through the coronavirus pandemic. Together, we have witnessed a dramatic shift in the stigma behind drug abuse, and most importantly we have seen the number of overdose deaths finally decrease across the country – falling from more than 70,000 in 2017 to under 68,000 in 2018, according to the CDC. It’s a direct result of your comprehensive work. We have ambushed the opioid epidemic on every side – through improvements in law enforcement, treatment and education.” - Congressman Hal Rogers
NIDA director outlines potential risks to people who smoke and use drugs during COVID-19 pandemic
The precarious intersection of the COVID-19 national health emergency and the concurrent epidemic of drug overdose deaths is outlined in the Annals of Internal Medicine this week by Dr. Nora D. Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Volkow discusses how the serious health risks of COVID-19 pose unique challenges to people who smoke or vape, are already struggling with substance use disorders (SUD), or are in recovery from addiction.
People recovering from addiction now face new challenges. Physical distancing measures, while critical to COVID-19 mitigation, eliminate the important element of social support needed for addiction recovery. Additionally, people with opioid use disorder may face barriers to obtaining medications (i.e., buprenorphine or methadone) or obtaining services from syringe services programs. Social distancing will also decrease the likelihood of observed overdoses; administration of naloxone to reverse overdose may be less likely, potentially resulting in more fatalities.
NIDA. (2020, April 2). NIDA Director outlines potential risks to people who smoke and use drugs during COVID-19 pandemic. Retrieved from on 2020, April 2
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Postponed
The upcoming National Prescription Drug Take Back Day scheduled for Saturday, April 25, 2020, is postponed due to the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. DEA will reschedule Take Back Day for a date shortly after the health crisis recedes and national emergency guidelines are lifted.
Opioid Withdrawal Raises Health Risks for Injection Drug Users: Study
Health Day
Having opioid withdrawal symptoms increases the odds that injection drug users will share needles or have a non-fatal overdose, new research suggests. For the study, the researchers questioned more than 800 injection drug users in San Francisco and Los Angeles. "Withdrawal is one of the main chronic health challenges for this population, and we need to be intervening on it," said lead author Ricky Bluthenthal. He's associate dean for social justice at the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine, in Los Angeles. An average 130 people a day die in the United States from an opioid overdose, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Needle sharing increases a person's risk of infections such as HIV and hepatitis, as well as other serious health problems, the CDC says.
News: Lethally potent counterfeit pills taking more lives with drug overdoses in Ventura County
More Ventura County drug abusers are overdosing on pills that look like real medications but are often spiked with a lethally potent synthetic opioid, according to authorities. While the overall number of overdoses appears to be holding steady, authorities are seeing a lower proportion from the street forms of drugs that are injected or smoked, according to the Ventura County Pharmaceutical Crimes Unit. Instead, the trend since the last quarter of 2019 is toward look-alikes of commonly abused prescription pills.
Armed with overdose drug Narcan, Oxnard police aim to reduce opioid fatalities
Ventura County Star
Public safety personnel locally and nationwide have seen a dramatic increase in drug overdose calls in recent years. In 2018, Oxnard police responded to 190 overdose calls, or nearly four per week. The Oxnard Police Department has responded to the opioid epidemic by training officers to administer an overdose-reversal drug and changing the protocol for logging overdose calls. In early 2018, the department began equipping officers with naloxone, also known as Narcan, a nasal spray that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose. Today, 150 officers are equipped with naloxone kits, Cmdr. Sharon Giles said Tuesday in a report to the City Council.
“If you have someone that you believe is suffering from drug dependency and has overdosed, this goes into the nostril, a couple pumps and it’s administered,” Giles told the council while showing the nasal spray. In 2018, 19 of the 96 opioid-related deaths in Ventura County were in Oxnard. Figures for 2019 were not yet available, but Giles said she expects the number will be lower due to naloxone. 2019 was the first full year in which officers were equipped with naloxone. Officers used the nasal spray nine times.
> Read the Story, Ventura County Star
> See the Video "Oxnard Police Respond to the Opioid Epidemic in Ventura County"